Women’s circle: Embodying your sovereign queen (EN)

online women’s circle – in English

This women’s circle is for you if you:

  • want to be more in touch with your body
  • want to fully allow and live your femininity
  • you are open to strengthen your intuition
  • you want to stand in your power in softness
  • you finally want to claim your sovereignty

You will be given very practical tools that you can immediately apply in your daily life.

We will start on October 26. You can join up to and including the third session. If you miss a session, you can catch up in your own time with the replay.

This is a six-month journey of discovery into your inner Sovereign Queen. In 11 online sessions we explore the different aspects of living as a Sovereign Queen.

During each session you will receive a Shamanic healing and activation for yourself to truly embody and manifest this energy in your life.


  • Introduction and intentions
  • Body and energetic field
  • Valuing the feminine and finding balance with the masculine
  • Self-care and Self-love as a basis
  • Expanding our mindset and unraveling limiting patterns
  • Prayer and connection to the divine
  • Holding space through liminal space
  • What keeps you from stepping into your power?
  • Sacred energy: Sexuality and creativity
  • Manifestation and embodiment
  • Crowning the queen


“Never thought I would take an online training course but the title ESQ really attracted me and took the plunge. I look back on this training with great satisfaction. In a simple and clear way, Annelies addresses themes that I and many women today struggle with and provides useful and diverse tools to deal with them. It has brought me closer to myself and moreover I can re-listen to the sessions to work on them further. Thank you Annelies!” (Ingrid)

“The women’s circle program ‘Embodying your Sovereign Queen’ exceeded my expectations. I had expected to be able to connect more with my body and be a little more in my feminine power, but I was able to discover so much more about myself through the various tools, the power of the group of wonderful fellow Souls , the power and ‘Being’ of Annelies as the power and spaceholder of this wonderful track.

I was able to experience and feel a glimpse of who I really am in essence, my ‘Soul’ and the soul purpose for which I was incarnated here on earth. This has brought me a peace about myself as I had been searching for a long time, from trust in knowing I can now just ‘Be’.

The tools provided are very diverse, and easy to fit into daily life, I have been and still am experimenting with them.

When I signed up there was a little resistance regarding the online thing, but that resistance disappeared very quickly, because I really felt the power of the field we were in with the circle, it was one big whole. And the online thing had the advantage that you are in a safe environment at home, where I could fully feel all the feelings that came up and let them flow.

I can recommend the circel if you are searching, want to be more in your feminine power, sink deeper into feeling, connect with your body, connect with your Soul…” (Miriam)

“Highly recommended, this heart-based women’s circle by Annelies. You get to pieces in yourself where you have never been before, to release them in softness.” (Griet)

Dear Annelies,

I just put the slides in document holders in a ring binder. I can’t put into words what this did to me…I’m not normally this orderly and neat…But these slides ( and the next ones) needed to have their own place, palpable, visible.

It felt like very loving, nurturing, protecting my highest good. When I looked at the slides again an immense feeling of gratitude overwhelmed me.

Already … and we are only four sessions away. So already, from the deepest part of my heart and soul, I want to thank you for what you have co-created. Thank you! It is so incredibly valuable” (Kris)

Practical Information

We meet in Zoom 11 times on Saturday from 13:00 to 15:00 CET (Central European Time). We will send the link for the replay of each session, in case you cannot attend in person.

We will use different techniques and methods, body work and movement, breathing, meditation, shamanic tools, family constellation, belief work, sharing circle,…


October 26, November 9 and 30, December 14, 2024, January 11 and 25, February 8, March 1, 22 and 29, May 10, 2025 – always from 13:00 tot 15:00 CET

Facilitator: Annelies Declerck

I work with people who are walking a spiritual path and encounter a block in one or more aspects of their lives, a pattern always coming back that is stopping them from fully living with joy, ease and delight. I help them to look deeply at themselves, ancestral patters, birth imprints and other (family) traumas to finally resolve their deepest blocks and harvest the gift of their journey.   

As a Shamanic Healer and mother of 4 with over 20 years of experience guiding people, I have the honor of using my 10 certifications in mind, body and soul modalities to facilitate resolving my clients deepest imprints and blocks so they can fully live with joy, ease and delight.   


Standard price: 777,- euro (If you want to pay in installments: please mention this in your registration).

    You can register here:

    Do you have any questions or comments with your registration?


    More testimonials


    “Annelies thank you. You are an amazing facilitator of deep clearing and transmission of love.” E. P.

    “When I read about this course my attention was immediately caught, yet I had my doubts. Did I feel like taking something like this online? I also had doubts about the financial investment, which I initially thought was large. I was able to solve that by paying in installments. It has brought me more than I can put into words! I experienced connecting online as added value because it helped me stay close to myself. In addition, I felt a strong connection with the other women. I feel so much gratitude and humility, for so much beauty that took place every session. Annelies provides a very safe, warm, loving setting where everything is allowed to be present. I received so many tools that I effortlessly integrated into my daily life. Not all of them, but each time the ones that attracted me. I have come to love myself much more, I feel much more self-acceptance. I feel more female and more comfortable in my skin. I feel connected with the other sisters and more with women in general, part of the bigger picture. I am more in my power and I am much more able to make confident choices that fit my deepest or higher self. My relationship has also undergone a transformation.

    I have not suffered a second of the online thing and have not regretted the investment for a second. I can recommend this to anyone who wants to take that step further and put something into change and motion. From caterpillar to butterfly, from woman to sovereign queen.

    Yesterday someone saw me and he said,’ Wow, you are looking marvelous! Whatever it is you are doing, it’s working!’ I’ve never felt so balanced before, so wonderfully woman so close to myself.”

    Kris Dietvorst ~ Auti-coach/Heart Coherence Coach

    Sovereign Queens
    She has been hurt
    She has been burnt
    She has been called names
    She has found shelter in hiding
    She has found remedy in fighting
    She has found healing in sharing
    Now is the time
    I hold space for her rebirth
    Now is the time
    For her to feel whole again
    Now is the time
    To shine and stand in her glory
    Because enough is enough
    Because as women
    We feel the power of NO
    Activated in our DNA
    My Sovereign Queen
    She does not stand alone
    Or in competition
    She is longing
    For the circle of sisters
    The warm embrace
    Of collective queenship
    Because we see each other’s uniqueness
    And because we know
    NOW is the time
    To stand together
    Holding space for all our fears, our hurt,
    And our anger
    The new world
    Through our collective cry
    In fierceness and in compassion
    In dark and in light
    In commitment and in surrender
    Dear Sovereign Queen
    I call upon you
    In myself, and in every woman.
    It is time
    The world
    And its children 
    need us. 